Fibre optique

TOM 1U 24 SC with adapters SC-UPC
Sliding optical shelf 1U front : 24 SC

Tom 1u 24 sc-dx +r&p 62.5/125 sc dx
Description coming soon

TOM 1U 24 SC-DX with adapters and pigtails SC-APC dx
Sliding optical shelf 1U front : 24 SC dx

TOM 1U 24 SC-DX with adapters and pigtails SC-APC dx - New generation
Sliding optical shelf 1U front : 24 SC dx New generation

TOM 1U 24 SC-DX with adapters and pigtails SC-UPC dx - New generation
Sliding optical shelf 1U front : 24 SC dx New generation

TOM 1U pour actif
Sliding optical shelf 1U

TOM 2U 36 SC-DX with adapters and pigtails SC-UPC dx
Sliding optical shelf 2U front : 36 SC dx

TOM 2U 48 SC with adapters and pigtails LC-UPC dx
Sliding optical shelf 2U front : 48 SC

TOM 2U 48 SC with adapters and pigtails SC-APC
Sliding optical shelf 2U front : 48 SC